Syntax Reference

This is a reference manual for the SVL syntax.

Notation (these are not syntax):

  • [ ] means optional
  • | is a logical OR.
  • { } is for grouping logical ORs when it's not obvious.
  • ... means the previous pattern is repeated.

If this method turns out to be incomprehensible I'll figure something else out.

A Repeat of Boring Stuff

I mean this whole article is boring stuff, but this stuff is really boring.

  1. All keywords in SVL are case-insensitive, but field names, file names, and anything in quotes are not. By convention I will capitalize keywords but it's not required.
  2. Comments start with -- and extend to the end of the line.
  3. All dataset and field names (basically anything not in quotes) must start with an underscore or letter, and can only contain letters, underscores or digits.
  4. SVL is not sensitive to tabs or newlines. The entire program could be written on one line if you wanted.


Schematically, an entire SVL program looks like this.

[DATASETS dataset declaration, ...]
chart | CONCAT(chart, ...) | (chart, ...),

Dataset declarations and charts are described below.

DATASETS is optional. After that you can create one or more charts, each of which is a chart by itself, a horizontal concatenation of one or more charts, or a vertical concatenation of one or more charts.


Dataset declarations are made up of file declarations or SQL declarations.

    identifier {file_path | SQL sql_query},

sql_query and file_path are double quoted strings.

NOTE There has to be at least one file in the final program, which can either be declared in the script or passed in via the command line.


SCATTER dataset_identifier
        x_axis |
        y_axis |
        [FILTER quoted_string] |
        [TITLE quoted_string] |
        [split_by] |

Scatter requires an X and Y axis. The quoted string following FILTER must be a valid SQL WHERE expression. SPLIT BY and COLOR BY cannot both be present.


HISTOGRAM dataset_identifier
        x_axis |
        y_axis |
        [FILTER quoted_string] |
        [TITLE quoted_string] |
        [split_by] |
        [STEP number] |
        [BINS integer]

STEP will take any positive floating point number or integer. BINS will take any positive integer. HISTOGRAM can have an X or Y axis, but not both. The quoted string following FILTER must be a valid SQL WHERE expression.


LINE dataset_identifier
        x_axis |
        y_axis |
        [FILTER quoted_string] |
        [TITLE quoted_string] |
        [split_by] |

LINE requires both an X and Y axis. The quoted string following FILTER must be a valid SQL WHERE expression. SPLIT BY and COLOR BY cannot both be present.


BAR dataset_identifier
        x_axis |
        y_axis |
        [FILTER quoted_string] |
        [TITLE quoted_string] |
        [split_by] |

BAR requires both an X and Y axis. The quoted string following FILTER must be a valid SQL WHERE expression. SPLIT BY and COLOR BY cannot both be present.


PIE dataset_identifier
        axis |
        [FILTER quoted_string] |
        [TITLE quoted_string] |
        [HOLE number]

PIE requires one AXIS. The quoted string following FILTER must be a valid SQL WHERE expression. HOLE must take a floating point number between zero and one.


NUMBER dataset_identifier
        value |
        [FILTER quoted_string] |
        [TITLE quoted_string]

NUMBER requires one VALUE. If the provided value doesn't resolve to a single number, SVL will raise an error.


X, Y and AXIS all take the same properties. VALUE can only be aggregated. It does not accept temporal modifiers, labels or sorts.

{X | Y | AXIS | VALUE} {field_identifier | TRANSFORM quoted_string}
    AGG | BY temporal | LABEL quoted_string | SORT {ASC | DESC}
], ...

The quoted string following TRANSFORM must be a valid SQL SELECT expression. AGG is one of COUNT, MIN, MAX, AVG, SUM. Temporal is one of YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND.


SPLIT BY {field_identifier | TRANSFORM quoted_string} [BY temporal | LABEL quoted_string], ...

The quoted string following TRANSFORM must be a valid SQL SELECT expression. Temporal is one of YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND. For the Plotly backend (currently the only one available), LABEL is a no-op, since adding legend titles to charts is fairly challenging for Plotly plots.


COLOR BY {field_identifier | TRANSFORM quoted_string}
    AGG | BY temporal | LABEL quoted_string | color_scale

The quoted string following TRANSFORM must be a valid SQL SELECT expression. AGG is one of COUNT, MIN, MAX, AVG. Temporal is one of YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND. Color scale is a quoted string that corresponds to (for now) a Plotly color scale.